Our parish mission is:
​We are a welcoming Catholic community called by God to live out the message of Christ in love and service to all people. Our parish mission is:
"Our Lady of the Angels is a worshipping community dedicated to the education and spiritual growth of the whole parish family. With guidance from the Holy Spirit we extend our Christian love to the community we serve. We proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord with all our hearts and we welcome all to join us on our journey in following Him."
6442 Pelham Road, Taylor, MI
South of I-94, North of Ecorse Road
Calling Post
Keeps you informed of upcoming events, schedule changes and more. Messages come from the office. Text "ANGELS" TO 24251
Saturday: 3:00pm
(or contact office at 313-381-3000 to schedule with Father D)
Saturday: 4:00pm
Sunday: 9:30am and 11:30am
​Daily Mass:
Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday: 8:45am
If the Taylor Schools are closed due to weather, our weekday Mass is cancelled. Any Mass Intentions will be said at the following Mass. The Office will remain open.
Dinner Menu at Our Lady of the Scapular
976 Pope John II Ave,
Dinner Menu at Father Saylor Knights of Columbus in Allen Park.
First Sunday of Lwnr
I would like to invite all of you to join me at OLOA parish hall on April 6 at 3pm, door #1 to watch a one-friar Musical called :More Love than Skill, A Saint and His Fiddle." Admission is free however a donation to the Capuchin Soup Kitchen will be greatly appreciated. Some of us have already seen the play and recommended to have it at our place. Please invite your family members, friends, and neighbors to join us.
The Lenten Season began a few days ago on Ash Wednesday and it will last for forty days. Every year during this time, the Church unites herself to the mystery of Jesus in the desert. Jesus' temptation in the desert reveals to us the way in which the Son of God is the Messiah. We are invited to embark on a journey towards Easter. We are a baptized people but have not yet lived fully the life of a Christian. Lent calls us to a change of heart and a fuller living of the Gospel. During the Season of Lent with the Church we will re-read and re-live the great events of salvation history.
In accordance with the tradition of the Church, during the Lenten Season, we as believers are called to triumphantly live our faith in christ as baptized children of God. We are called to go forward and shine by our obedience, our service, our charity towards others, through prayers, sacrifices, all in the love of God.
All three readings are concerned with faithfulness to God. The First Reading describes the ceremony of the offering to God of the first fruits of the harvest. It was an occasion for the people to thank God, not only for the blessings of the harvest, but for all he had done for them in the passt, and especially in the Exodus. The creed which the offerors recited is a summary of Israel's early history and humble origins. The readings of the following Sundays will focus on significant moments of that history.
The Second Readings contain in its simplest form the Christian credo: Jsus is Lord; he died for our sins and was raised up for our justification. Obviously for this faith to be genuine, it must be professed not just with one's lips but also with one's life.
In the Gospel, Luke speks about the triumph of Jesus in the desert. Led by the Spirit in the wilderness, the Lord Jesus resisted the three temptations that were placed before Him. Through Jesus and with Him, we are reminded that we too can be triumphant in our battle against evil.
I would like you during the coming week to reflect on the actions of Jesus who was led by the Apirit, in the wilderness. As Jesus resisted the temptations in the desert, we too are called to resist the daily temptations that cross our ways and seek to destroy our commuion with God. By God's will we are called to repent of past sins, to be snctified in Christ, to perform spiritual works through the power of the Holy Spirit, to reist all glory and authority that may separate us from the love of God. Who greatly desires to see the fulfillment of our adoption as His children. Let us reflect upon these things during the coming week.
may God bless all of us.
Fr. Dariusz
Is the weather looking bad and want to be notified if Mass is cancelled?
Would you like to be reminded of upcoming or changes of events?
We are now offering a group messaging opportunities call Calling Post.
To register to be connected to this notification system, text 'Angels' to 24251.
To register your child go to: https://cabriniparish.org/religious-education.
Trippin' with Father Dariusz:
Magical Rhine and Moselle Rivers
September 21-29, 2025
Ride along on a river cruise with Fr. Dariusz as he travels the Rhine and Moselle Rivers from
Zurich Switzerland through France, Germany ending in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Highlights include the Cathedral of Notre Dame, Lorelei Passage, Heidelberg's Renaissance building and castle ramparts, wine tasing in Bernkastle, Cologne and on-board entertainment each night.
The Ship Name is MS Amadeus Brilliant
Spotlight on the French Riviera
April 30-May 8, 2026
Our Lady of the Angels and Fr. Dariusz present Spotlight on the French Riviera with Optional
3-Night Parish Post Tour Extension.
Please check the link below.
Please call us if you have any questions at 313.381.300 May God bless all of us.
Fr. Dariusz
Monday - Tuesday &
Thursday - Friday
[Closed Wednesdays]
9:00AM - 3:00PM
Phone: (313) 381-3000
Fax: (313) 381-5528