New Paragraph

Loving Christ,

Loving Others

Our parish mission is: 

​We are a welcoming Catholic community called by God to live out the message of Christ in love and service to all people. Our parish mission is:

"Our Lady of the Angels is a worshipping community dedicated to the education and spiritual growth of the whole parish family. With guidance from the Holy Spirit we extend our Christian love to the community we serve. We proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord with all our hearts and we welcome all to join us on our journey in following Him."

About Us


6442 Pelham Road, Taylor, MI

South of I-94, North of Ecorse Road

Calling Post

Keeps you informed of upcoming events, schedule changes and more. Messages come from the office.    Text "ANGELS" TO 24251

Upcoming Events

Men's Prayer Group

Ever Monday at 7pm

St. Ann Meeting room

Women of Prayer

2nd & 4th Friday monthly @ 9:30

St. Ann Meeting Room

-see calendar under Parish Life tab for complete list

List of Services

    Memorial Mass:


    Mass Times


    Saturday: 3:00pm

    (or contact office at 313-381-3000 to schedule with Father D)

    Saturday: 4:00pm

    Sunday: 9:30am and 11:30am

    ​Daily Mass: Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday: 8:45am

    If the Taylor Schools are closed due to weather, our weekday Mass is cancelled.  Any Mass Intentions will be said at the following Mass. The Office will remain open.

    • A Few Words from Fr. Dariusz

      The Epiphany

      Happy, blessed, and healthy New Year 2025. I wish you my best when we begin this New Year. At the same time, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your Christmas wishes, prayers, gifts, candies, cookies, and your spiritual support.

      I would like to thank you all who were directly or indirectly involved in celebrating Christmas as one Christian family. Thank you for decorating and cleaning the Church. Thank you for setting the manger in the garden and decorating the grounds around our Church.

      Today, we are celebrating Epiphany Sunday. This special Feast commemorates the revealing of Jesus as the Christ to the Gentiles. In some European countries this Feast is known as the "Twelfth Night" (aster Christmas).

      The original purpose of the Feast of Epiphany, which had its beginning in the Eastern Church during the 3rd century, was to commemorate how the glory of Christ was revealed to the Gentiles. Such took place in four ways:

      1.  in the person of the Magi

      2.  in the Baptism of Jesus;

      3.  in the first miracle at Cana; and

      4. When reviewing the early history of this celebration, it comes to our attention that the Birth of Christ was also included in the Feast of Epiphany.

      Of these four, the baptism of Jesus was predominantly commemorated.

      In today's First Reading, Isaiah gives hope to the Israelites that the promised Messiah would soon rise among the people and that His glory would be seen by all.

      the First Reading speaks of the joy of the Israelites. It speaks of Jesus Christ, the Light, who is given to the world through God's chosen people.

      It speaks of the three wise men who would find and adore the Lord Jesus, the Light of the World.

      In the Second Reading, Saint Paul says that we have already heard of the commission of God's grace that was given for you, and how the mystery was made known to him by revelation that the Gentiles. The Gentiles have become fellow heirs, members of the same body, and sharers in the promise in Christ Jesus through the Gospel.

      The Gospel Reading relates to us the event of the three wise men who followed the star that led them to the Child Jesus. They followed the brilliant star in the sky. To them, the light of the star was a symbol of hope, of joy and of peace. To them, the star was but a small reflection of the fullness of the Light of the world that awaited them at the end of their journey.

      This week, let us reflect upon the Light of Christ that has come upon us. Let us correct what needs to be corrected so the fullness of our light may shine forth in all things for the glory of God.

                                     May God bless all of us,

                                                     Fr. Dariusz

    • CALLING POST - Group Messaging

      Is the weather looking bad and want to be notified if Mass is cancelled?

      Would you like to be reminded of upcoming or changes of events?

      We are now offering a group messaging opportunities call Calling Post.

      To register to be connected to this notification system, text 'Angels' to 24251.

    • Religious Education Classes

      To register your child go to:

    Eucharist Revival

    Trippin' with Father Dariusz:

    Magical Rhine and Moselle Rivers

    September 21-29, 2025

    Ride along on a river cruise with Fr. Dariusz as he travels the Rhine and Moselle Rivers from

    Zurich Switzerland through France, Germany ending in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Highlights include the Cathedral of Notre Dame, Lorelei Passage, Heidelberg's Renaissance building and castle ramparts, wine tasing in Bernkastle, Cologne and on-board entertainment each night.

    The Ship Name is MS Amadeus Brilliant

    Magical Rhine brochure Magical Rhine registration form

    Spotlight on the French Riviera

    April 30-May 8, 2026

    Our Lady of the Angels and Fr. Dariusz present Spotlight on the French Riviera with Optional

    3-Night Parish Post Tour Extension.

    Please check the link below.

    Please call us if you have any questions at 313.381.300  May God bless all of us.

    Fr. Dariusz

    Give online to the work of the church

    Office Hours

    Monday - Tuesday & Thursday - Friday
    [Closed Wednesdays]

    9:00AM - 3:00PM

    Phone: (313) 381-3000
    Fax: (313) 381-5528

    And Jesus came and said to them, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age."
    Matthew 28: 18-20 (RSV-CE)
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